Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January Senior High Winter Youth Retreat reflections

Another great weekend! At least from my perspective. I saw and heard laughter a lot during the weekend. Maybe some of that was from our worship leader, Jeff Raught, who is a very funny guy. But I found that he was more than just a comedian, he has a sincere and deep desire to share the message of Jesus to everyone and to make us think and embrace it ourselves. He played fast songs slow and slow songs fast. For me, he opened my eyes to see things in a different way, in a way that keeps Jesus at the center, that waits for God instead of forcing my will on things.

It is always good to see young people gather together to focus on God for a weekend. With all of the pain in the world, especially in Haiti but also in our neighborhoods, to work at a place that prepares people through retreat, prayer, worship, recreation and connections with God and creation to address that pain is a privilege. Well now a few pictures from the weekend...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

more pictures from winter camp..jan 15-17

a few more pictures from the weekend...come up with your own guesses on what might have been going on...

The January Junior High Winter Camp

We had a fun winter camp with junior high on Jan 15-17. Snow held on long enough for some tubing and cross country skiing. We worked sewing scarves for others, a service project and made over 20 scarves during our free time on Saturday. Tina Schlabach, Aaron and Anne Lehman shared stories and reflected on scripture as our input speakers. The theme was "Good Guys, Bad Guys and God" Stories and motions showed us how God gives us direction, embraces us with grace and mercy when we fail, and celebrates with us. They gave us lots to think about.

Below are a view pictures from the weekend. Thanks to all that came and made it a great weekend. Churches from MI, IN and OH were all represented.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Update-Jan 14

Right now we have a good base of snow to run the tubes. Cross Country skiing could be a little rough and could use some more snow. We have good ice thickness (6 inches) and will try to do a little ice fishing. We also have a spot cleared for broomball. There will be opportunities to get outside and enjoy the grounds. Other options and activities for the weekend will include basketball, volleyball, late night dodgeball, making scarves for others, a time and place to pray, art activities, worship, and video projects. We look forward to a good size group. Safe travels and let the fun begin!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Amigo Centre Video Projects II

A collection of some of the projects that were done last year.

Amigo Centre Video Projects

The past two winters we have had video projects for groups to work on and then time to show them to the whole group. We have found this to be a valuable team building activity and a great way to celebrate creativity. It can also be a stressful activity especially for sponsors.

A couple hints to help with things: Find someone who is comfortable with the camera. A lot of times that will be one of the youth. Break up into smaller groups and film different scenes of one story. Make it as complex or as simple as you want. Don't let it ruin the weekend.

What other advice would those that have experience this project have for those who have not, please share below in the comments.

Winter Fun!

Lots of fun to be had in the winter time. Michigan is best enjoyed with snow in the winter time and while snowstorms make travel treacherous, they make for great fun at camp. Take some time to get outside and enjoy all of God's creation.

grace & peace
(pictures by Cheryl Mast)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Schedule for Winter Retreats

Tentantive Schedule
7:30 P.M. Check-in
9:00 Welcome and Worship
10:30 Pizza Snack
12:00 In Rooms
12:30 Lights Out

9:30 Worship
11:00 Brunch
12:00 P.M. Work on videos
1:00 Free Time*
4:00 Sponsor Networking Coffee Break in Dining Hall
5:00 Supper
6:00 Free Time
7:30 Worship
9:00 Amigo Independent Film Festival**
12:00 In Rooms
12:30 Lights Out

9:00 A.M. Breakfast
10:00 Worship

*Free Time Activites will vary depending on snow, age, numbers but will come from this list: basketball, volleyball, service project, a labyrinth, outdoor activities as weather allows-tubing, cross country skiing, broomball, ice fishing, outdoor cooking
**We will show your videos during this time. Late night activities will also include and karaoke.

2009 in pictures

A Few Pictures from the past year:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year Starts...

Well we are off to a new year. We had a good holidays with several families and youth groups using the facilities. The tube runs and ice were open for activities, lets hope it holds on for the winter youth retreats. We were also blessed by generous donations. It is always humbling and invigorating to see how much this place and ministry have touched so many people. Thank You!
A quick update on a couple of program notes. We are gearing up for our winter youth retreats which start Jan 15-17 with Junior High. We have had a good turnout. Still rooms available especially for the February retreats. Summer camp, we have our schedule up and we are setting up online registration this month and will have significant incentive for those who sign up early and on line. More information to come soon.
In midst of this, we have been reminded of the value of life. Phonthip Mounsithiraj passed away on Jan 4. Phonthip is the son of Damdouane who has worked in the kitchen at camp for many years. If you have ever had egg rolls at camp, you know Damdouane and her passion for life which is shared by her family. Please take time to pray for her and her family.
thanks and we look forward to seeing you sometime this year up at camp.