Monday, November 9, 2009

What do we focus on...

It is Monday and I have been getting things ready for our Transitional Ministry Training in which Cliff Brubaker and Gary Martin are the ones doing the work. I am just trying to put the little things together. Anyway, I sat down to make sure I had checked things off my list and looked at my devotion for the day (it might have been from last week, but I do what I can).

It caused me to think a little and gave me pause for the moment. Phillipians 4:6-9 (The Message) talks about where we put our focus. Paul commands us to focus on the best, not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly, things to praise, not to curse. Wow! How does my focus affect my attitude? It amazes me how easy it is to focus on all the things that we don't do at Amigo, that other camps have and do, or that we could do but we have limitations on time, money and space. It is so easy to take away my energy for those that come and for those things that we do have going on.

Anyway, it is just a little thought for the day. Hope that your day is full of the best, the beautiful and things to praise and that we take the time to be aware of those things.

grace & peace


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